Getting Approved with Bad Credit

Getting approved for an auto loan can be a challenge if you have a questionable credit history. Even though most lenders use your credit profile as a means to measure your worthiness, it is not always an accurate indicator of how financially responsible you are. We know that sometimes bad things happen to good people, and we do not believe in penalizing you for those situations. That is why we offer bad credit car loans to all of our customers.

Interest Rates

Having bad credit does mean that you are subject to higher interest rates. Higher interest rates will result in you having a higher monthly payment. The best way to get this factor to work in your favor is to choose your vehicle carefully. Know how much you can afford to pay for a monthly payment before you come down to our dealership. If you are not sure of what you can afford to pay, let us know and we will work with you so that you get a vehicle that fits within your budget.

Bring Your Paperwork

To make the financing process go smoother, bring in your paperwork. We need hard copies of your income, bank statements, and bankruptcy discharge orders. Bring us your last three to five check stubs, a copy of your last two bank statements, and your driver's license. We will make a copy of those documents and get you approved for an auto loan. Once approved, all you will need to drive away is auto insurance. We can also assist you with getting a good policy, if you do not already have one. We have tons of cars for you to choose from. Do not feel pressured to make a decision right away, take as much time as you need. Our sales staff will actively work with you, so that you choose a vehicle that you love.

Even though you have bad credit now, we can give you the opportunity to get your credit history back on track with our car loans.

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